Sense of smile

Fashion photography can be astoundingly stupid. Vacuous models placed in ever more idiotic situations and poses. How refreshingly to remember their were also photographers like Norman Parkinson who possessed a great sense of style but also a great sense of humor. A Sense of Smile one might say. His work produced mainly in the fifties …

The Art of Fine Dining.

  What is it the makes something truly exceptional? Discipline? Creative flair? Imagination? Hard work? All of them obviously but the degrees to which they are mixed together will vary according to the ideas of the individual practitioner One man’s recipe for perfection is another’s recipe for disaster. This is only to clearly shown in …


Taking a self-portrait can be a tricky business. Somehow you never seem to be able to make yourself look as debonair and sophisticated as you know you truly are in real life 😉 Kyle Thompson had no such worries it seems. He has just completed a yearlong photographic project featuring nothing but images of himself. …

Django Unchained: Sweet Release

  Some of the scenes that Tarantino has created over the years are firmly etched in my memory. Be it the Kahuna burger scene in Pulp Fiction or the ear-cutting scene in Reservoir Dogs. However sometimes his films feel like two or three world-class scenes with some other bits around them (see ‘Inglourious Basterds’) It’s …

UK Youth

Janette Beckman’s pictures of young Britain in the late seventies and early eighties make me nostalgic for a time when there was still a spirit of youth rebellion, and a person could be in a band and actually make it a bit of money.

Poster Power

A few years ago graphic artist Albert Exergian did a series of minimalist posters for famous TV series. I think they still hold up and it makes wonder why people don’t do more limited edition graphic images like this. They’re simple and charming and require just a little thought to work out, making them all …

How the Other Half Lived

If you’re going to have a skill, getting on with rich people is one of the better ones to have. It allows you to share in their wondrous lifestyle and in the case of photographer Slim Aarons, gives you ample opportunity to preserve their opulence for posterity. In our cash strapped times some of the …