Iceland wants to be your friend

It’s been a while since I’ve seen an online campaign that has a bit of wit and charm.Too often you see things that use the bells and whistles of new technology but have absolutely zero personality. The campaign for the Iceland Tourist Board shows how it should be done by utilizing multiple social media outlets, from …

Fleurs du Mal

Ever had a dream where you’re being surrounded by hot, half-naked women wearing revealing lingerie? So has the director of this spooky and erotic commercial from Agent Provocateur

Criminally Minded

Quite why Scandinavia has become a world center for crime fiction is, if you’ll excuse the pun, a mystery. The region has some of the lowest crime rates in Europe and on of the face of it some of the world’s most liberal and socially cohesive societies. Hardly fertile ground for crime fiction The very …

50 Words for Eccentric

If I said someone was making an album about the hunt for the abominable snow man and asked you to choose the artist, there would be very few candidates for you to guess from Basically, Bjork or Kate Bush If you guessed Kate Bush you win nothing but the satisfaction of being right. But at …

Brain Dead

There are two villains in the modern world that we are allowed to hate without reservation, Nazis/racists (boo! Hiss!) and zombies. Vampires, shape shifters and werewolves have all been made cool and sexy by True blood. Zombies however are stupid, smelly and one-dimensional. All they want to do is eat brains. This gives us license …

The End of the World is Trier

Be it ‘The Walking Dead’ or ‘Take Shelter’  it seems the modern world and in particular America, is full of apocalyptic visions. The latest addition to the genre comes courtesy of Danish director, Lars Von Trier. His film ‘Melancholia’ concerns a planet of that name, which is about to give everyone a very bad hair …

Real Estate Rising

No, unfortunately not that real estate. The kind I refer to is a band from New Jersey who have a front cover of this month’s Fader, as well as a best music plug by Pitchfork. I caught them recently at The Crocodile in Seattle and whereas I love the laid back, mellow nature of the …